Born like this

If eyes could speak
Tittar på VD. Dör. Puss.
Just nu
Bounce, bounce, baby bounce back to me

The cab. ♥
I'm up, down spinning around
High and dry and kicked to the ground
I'm lost and I'll never be found
My lips where much too shy
The lines about you, they never rhymed
You said I never get things right
(I never said I was the best thing for you)
And baby where'd you go
I need you here tonight
Singing myself to sleep
You're still my favorite melody
It's been three weeks
How long can this go on
Singing myself to sleep
You're haunting every memory
Get out, goodbye, get out of my life
You're hot, cold
You're not available
You run while I lose control
I miss you
Forever you'll stay gold
You know I'm not getting by
I've lost it, you're in my mind
Everydays the darkest of my life
(I never said I was the best thing for you)
Baby where'd you go
I need you here tonight
Singing myself to sleep
You're still my favorite melody
It's been three weeks
How long can this go on
Singing myself to sleep
You're haunting every memory
Get out, goodbye, get out of my life
'Cause I'm drowning when I close my eyes
And I'm fallin' I can't breathe tonight
And a story I fade to black inside (x2)
Singing myself to sleep
You're still my favorite melody
It's been three weeks
How long can this go on
Singing myself to sleep
You're haunting every memory
Get out, goodbye, get out of my life,
'Cause I'm drowning when I close my eyes,
And I'm fallin', can't breathe tonight
And a story, I fade to black inside
High and dry and kicked to the ground
I'm lost and I'll never be found
My lips where much too shy
The lines about you, they never rhymed
You said I never get things right
(I never said I was the best thing for you)
And baby where'd you go
I need you here tonight
Singing myself to sleep
You're still my favorite melody
It's been three weeks
How long can this go on
Singing myself to sleep
You're haunting every memory
Get out, goodbye, get out of my life
You're hot, cold
You're not available
You run while I lose control
I miss you
Forever you'll stay gold
You know I'm not getting by
I've lost it, you're in my mind
Everydays the darkest of my life
(I never said I was the best thing for you)
Baby where'd you go
I need you here tonight
Singing myself to sleep
You're still my favorite melody
It's been three weeks
How long can this go on
Singing myself to sleep
You're haunting every memory
Get out, goodbye, get out of my life
'Cause I'm drowning when I close my eyes
And I'm fallin' I can't breathe tonight
And a story I fade to black inside (x2)
Singing myself to sleep
You're still my favorite melody
It's been three weeks
How long can this go on
Singing myself to sleep
You're haunting every memory
Get out, goodbye, get out of my life,
'Cause I'm drowning when I close my eyes,
And I'm fallin', can't breathe tonight
And a story, I fade to black inside
God damn youre beutiful
Nöööööööööööööööööööööööööjd. Ska ner och ta en macka eller nått nu eftersom jag inte ätit något sedan frukost/middagen för tre timmar sedan. Njuuuuuuut av dom två låtarna under så länge. :D Pusspuss.

Would she hold me, if she knew my shame?
Gamal goding. Tihhihihihih <3 Kör btw med Yt nu eftersom mina timmar på spotify snart är slut... T.T

you make my pee-pee go doingdoingdoing


Lyssnar på tung musik och är fett seriös. Var ett tag sen... Hatar det som hände på VD idag. Fan vad jag grät asså, första gången typ. Eminem är fett tuuuuuung! Ah... Mockingbird <3 Ska va seriös nu. Awsome.
Hm... xd
Satt och lyssnade på Rihannas nya skiva. Så kommer jag till Only Girl. Fick en konstig känsla, som om jag ville skratta men samtidigt blev lite äcklad. Sen kom jag på felet....
KÄRLEK PÅ DEN HÄR LÅTEN! OOOOOOOSLAGBAR! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Jag har glömt att plugga på franskan idag...! Måste göra det, fan prov imorgon ju! Så... Fram med franska boken! Ska se om jag har nått gott att knapra på så länge... Aja, PUSSPUSS. Låten jag lyssnar på just nu då:
Just The Way You Are

Fan vad kul man kan ha, yeah jag vet.
Everybody's got a drog dealer on speed-dyle
Sitter och fixar min header, går faktiskt skitbra :D Självklart med dunkande musik, den här gången Nickelback :) Haha både Carro & bror tipsade mig om dom idag ;) Men dudes, är det bara jag som tycker Nickelback & Takida låter sjuukt lika? Jag menar, lyssna på första låten, sen på andra... Sjukt likt om man bortser från själva musiken om man säger så. Men rösterna, gooosh! Hihi, ska faktiskt fortsätta nu, sen plugga lite... Pusspuss.
Ändra dina tankar och du ändrar din värld